Monday, September 30, 2019

Economic Development of India Essay

The capital market is the market for securities, where Companies and governments can raise long-term funds. It is a market in which money is lent for periods longer than a year. A nation’s capital market includes such financial institutions as banks, insurance companies, and stock exchanges that channel long-term investment funds to commercial and industrial borrowers. Unlike the money market, on which lending is ordinarily short term, the capital market typically finances fixed investments like those in buildings and machinery. Nature and Constituents: The capital market consists of number of individuals and institutions (including the government) that canalize the supply and demand for longterm capital and claims on capital. The stock exchange, commercial banks, co-operative banks, saving banks, development banks, insurance companies, investment trust or companies, etc., are important constituents of the capital markets. The capital market, like the money market, has three important Components, namely the suppliers of loanable funds, the borrowers and the Intermediaries who deal with the leaders on the one hand and the Borrowers on the other. ï  ® The demand for capital comes mostly from agriculture, industry, trade The government. The predominant form of industrial organization developed Capital Market becomes a necessary infrastructure for fast industrialization,and hence its important for the economy because india is a land if agriculture where more than 70 % of population depends upon agriculture and as India is also an developing nation so,industrialization is must necessary In this topic we have discussed that the development of stock market must contributes to economic growth both directly and indirectly. Hence stock market plays an important role in the economy of a country. Following the direct channel, we show that market liquidity has a positive impact on growth and indirectly market size affects investments which must affect growth of the country. Security markets also play a crucial role in economic growth and financial stability. The primary purpose of security markets is to serve as a mechanism for the transformation of savings into financing for the real sector, and hence constituting an alternative to bank financing. Recent local and global studies show that there is a positive correlation between the developments of stock markets and economic growth. Stock markets must be very efficient in the allocation of capital to its highest-value users. These markets also help to increase savings and investment, which are essential for economic development. If an equity market is informationally inefficient then investors face difficulties in choosing the optimal investment, because information on corporate performance is slow. Role of Securities Markets in Economic Development The increasing stringency of terms on both domestic and international loans, the urgency of mobilizing domestic resources by means other than dent finance has been greatly identified. The alternative to debt finance, of course is equity market. Capital market refers to the market for long and medium term funds for the business enterprise. It can be divided into securities and non-securities market. Securities market in turn may be divided unto the markets for primary issues and markets for secondary trading of the issued securities. In the secondary market, the existing securities change from the investor to another. There is no additional flow of funds for investment purposes in a secondary market; it only provides liquidity and marketability to the existing securities. A secondary market is very essential for a new issue market to develop. The secondary market can play most crucial functions in the pace of economic development by the promotion of savings and investment and efficient allocation of finds among the users. The securities market offers both investors and issues a broad spectrum of investment alternatives, which can help increase the level of both savings and investment. An efficient capital market can play the crucial role in mobilizing domestic savings for the purpose of investment

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Love and War

They say all is fair in love and war. This commonly known idiom is accepted across the nation because, in reality, both love and war result in someone getting hurt. Whether it be human emotions or a human leg that ends up getting torn apart, the victim in question is also to blame. Everyone has complete and sole power over his or her emotions, and of their choice in a lover/choice to fall in love. When it comes to war, nobody (at least nobody who lives in America) is forced to enlist in any division of the army. It is a human right to protect one’s self from danger, and if that means not fighting for their country, then they don’t have to. However any particular that does choose to take part in battle understands the potential consequences. Both love and war are decisions, but the same is not true when it comes to economics and a person’s bank account. Financial status is determined at birth, which is very unlike the effects of love and war. Those who are born into wealth have the fortune of being able to start out their career, whatever it may be, at a higher than average rank. Achieving upper class status, retiring early, owning a fancy car, owning a big house etc. is sometimes caused by luck and can at times be the result of a high drive and a strong work ethic. Though, that is not usually the case. More often times than not, those who are rich when they are thirty, forty, seventy etc. start out that way. It all begins at birth. Upper class parents find it reputable to teach their children in a manner that is above par right from trying to get them to speak. Then, they send those children to a pre-pre school, followed by preschool, which not everyone has the opportunity to attend. Children from wealthy families usually attend private grade school (another privilege that comes along with having money), which starts them off with a good education and puts them on the path to a positive future. Upon applying for their first job at age sixteen or so (if they even want to; the rich usually have enough money to forget the job and focus on their bettering their education, which is yet another perk that sets them up for success), and since most of these people have lived in the same town for the entirety of their life, their parents have certain connections to certain businesses and business owners, and could easily get their kid an above par job (probably doing practically nothing) or better yet a high paying internship. The bonus of an internship, however, in this case would not be the extra cash. Rather, it would provide them with a positive learning experience. College is just another step in their life that will come easy, because they get into a better college than they should, simply because one of their parents went there, knew someone who went there, or because the admissions department can see a perfect scholarly record in their name (which, is what university is all about so, it greatly benefits them). Finally, offspring of the wealthy many times will take over their parents’ top tier business and make lots of money that way, or they will have done well enough at their great school (their parents set them straight from the beginning, it would be hard not to do well), that they acquired an equally prestigious or more prestigious job for themselves. Either way, the cycle of wealth starts again. In conclusion, all is fair in love and war. However, when it comes to financial status, it’s a man eat man world. And the ones with the money always win.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nepal Essay Essay

Introduction I am doing my report on a country by the name of Nepal. The formal name is The Kingdom of Nepal. The term for citizens is Nepalese. The capital of Nepal is Katmandu. Nepal became independent in 1768 when a number of independent hill states were unified by Prithri Narayan Shah as the Kingdom of Gorkha. The area of Nepal is 56,827 square miles. Its population according to the 1991 census was 18,462, 081. Nepal is located between China and India. Population The most recent information about Nepal’s population is in the year of 1994. It was an estimate of about 20,000,000. At this time the average family was made up of 5.9 persons, and the life expectancy was about 50 years. About 70 percent of the total population was of working age, or between the ages of fifteen and fifty-nine years of age. Nearly 44 percent of the population is in the Terai Region, 48 percent in the Mountain Region. In 1981 the capital, Katmandu , had a population of 235,160. Government Nepal has a constitutional monarchy government. The multiparty democracy established along with the November 1990 constitution which replaced the panchayat system. Education The education system has expanded rapidly since 1951. Right now there are elementary and high schools found in most areas of the country. Tribharan University was established in 1961 to serve as the hub of a higher education system. The literacy rate is still only an estimated fifteen percent, with most of the literate population concentrated in Katmandu Valley and in the Terai. Language In Nepal there are numerous languages spoken which is a problem because they do not belong to the same family group. The most common and national language , Nepali, stems form the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo European family. Nepali is spoken by 60 percent of the population. A second category of languages in Nepal is the Tibeto- Burman languages, of which the most common are Newer, Magarkura, Gurangkura, Karin and Limbuani. Religion and Society Religion occupies an integral position in Nepalese life and society. The main religion in Nepal is Hinduism , but much of the population follows an unorthodox Buddhism strongly affected by mixtures of Hinduism. The fact that Hindus worship in Buddhist temples and Buddhists worship in Hindus temples has been one of the main reasons followers of the two dominate groups in Nepal have never engaged in any conflicts. Because of such dual faith practices the differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been generally in nature. In 1991 about 89.5 percent of the Nepalese people indenified themselves as Hindus. Buddhists and Muslims occupied only 5.3 and 2.7 percent. The remainder religion is Christianity. At least 87 percent of the population in every region is made of Hindus. Buddhists are mostly found in the Eastern Hills, the Katmandu Valley, and the Central Terai, in each area about 10 percent of the people were Buddhist. Terai The Terai region of Nepal is a low, fertile alluvial plain, in effect the northern extrusion of the Ganges plain. It is 20 miles wide at its broadest point and extends over most of the southern edge. North of this, bordering the forests of the Bhabar and Chria Hills, the Terai is marshy and malaria is endemic. A green belt of excellent timber parallels or dense elephant grass growing to a height of 15 feet. Climate The climate is moderate only in the mountain valleys, about 5,000 feet above sea level. The rest of Nepal is either extremely hot, as in the Terai, climate changes sharply with elevation. In the Himalayas, exposure to the sun and to rain-bearing winds produce complex patterns of local climates. Average temperatures in the Katmandu Valley range form 50 degrees in January to 78 degrees in July. Rainfall mainly  occurs between June and September. The dry season is November to January. Agriculture About 90 percent of Nepal’s working force is directly engaged in agricultural pursuits. Arable land is at 30 percent of the total land area, of which 60 percent is classified as suitable for wet cultivation and 30 percent for dry cultivation. The main crops are rice, corn, millet, wheat, sugarcane, tobacco, fruits, and vegetables. Rice is grown in the Teria, Katmandu Valley , and the lower hill area. Corn and millet are the main crops at higher altitudes , which is about 6,000 feet above sea level. Annual Rainfall Fire climate zones based on altitude range from subtropical in the South, to cool summers and severe winters in the North. The annual rainfall depends on a monsoon cycle which provides 60 to 80 percent of the total rainfall. The Eastern part of the country get the most with 2,500 millimeters. The Katmandu averages around 1,420 millimeters. And Western Nepal gets around 1,000 millimeters. Himalayans The Himalayans are what Nepal is known for. The Himalayans were formed about 60 million years ago, When the earth’s continents were still forming, a part of east Africa broke loose and began to driff slowly northward. When it rammed into Asia , the force of the collision caused the land to crumple up into a vast mountain range. More than 1,000 miles long and hundreds of miles wide. This system contains some of the highest mountains in the world. The most famous of these is Mount Everest. Bibliography Norton, Peter B., and Joseph J. Esposito. â€Å"Nepal.†Ã‚  Encyclopedia Britanica. 1995. Boehm, Richard G. World Geography. Westerville: The McGraw-Hill. 1997.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business Ethics and Deontology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Ethics and Deontology - Essay Example Business Ethics and Deontology Most businesses deal with problems and constraints instead of prime movers of ethical business. In this study, we are going to give a critical analysis of a business problem using deontological ethics as discussed below. Step 1, The three major ethical problems raised in the WorldCom case include, corporate strategy of growth through acquisition, use of loans to senior executives, threat to corporate governance created by chumminess and lack of arms length dealing. Step 2, Evaluating WorldCom’s ethical problems using the deontological framework. This framework entails undertaking of duties with the right motives. It is a philosophy developed by Immanuel Kant. His theory is considered deontological for reasons such as acting in the morally right way suggest that people act from duty and lastly Kant says that it is the motives of the person and not the consequences. Corporate strategy of growth through acquisition We have many models different kinds of governance in the world. T he difference comes due to the variety of capitalism in which they are formed. Liberal model tends to give priority to shareholders interest while the coordinated models recognizes other stakeholders interest such as workers, managers, customers, suppliers and community (Penrose, 2009.). Each model has an advantage. In view to WorldCom ethical, Bernie Ebbers who was considered to be colorful and likable had nothing to show after the collapse of WorldCom. Achieving position as a significant player in the telecommunication sector through the successful completion of 65 acquisitions was deontological. This is because only two of the acquired were significant. Total accumulated debt amounted to $41billion due to acquisitions. As Chief Executive Officer it was advisable to only make acquisitions of companies that were very significant at that particular time. This would have made the company free from the big debts the company has. As much as a business strategy was a success at that tim e with the continued rise in the stock market, the manager should not have used this as a driving tool for business to enable him purchase other companies. During this all process of mergers and acquisitions there was managerial challenges in two areas. That is management dealing with integrating new and old organizations. This evident when the British telecommunication corporation made a bid of $19 billion and there was a quick response of countering the offer by Ebber to $30. In addition to this, Ebber also agreed to assume $5billion in MCI debt making the deal $35. It is time consuming because of its involvement in planning and managerial attention. There is also a challenge in accounting for financial aspects in the acquisition e.g. accounting for assets, debts and goodwill. This process illustrates areas where management did not address well. For instance, Ebber was an indifferent executive who did not pay attention to operation details. A good example is the deterioration of c ustomer service and it was evident when a customer contacted customer service was discontinued incorrectly. The company was not up to the task of merging the different companies acquired. The effect of poor integration of acquired companies include little effort by management to develop a cooperative mindset among various units, closure of three important MCI services that helped in maintenance of network and opening twelve inefficient and duplicate centers.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Operation Management and All Aspects of the Business Process Research Paper

Operation Management and All Aspects of the Business Process - Research Paper Example The first step to a successful operation is to develop a detailed business plan. This plan should include all aspects of the business including the operation plan. The operation part of the plan for small business processes from raw materials purchase and handling, to package and shipping. Though operations plan can and probably will change throughout the life of a business, it is the one process that can not cut from any business. Why employ OM? Though a relatively new field of research and still evolving, many businesses employ it as a way to increase productivity and reduce error. OM allows companies to be more competitive by reducing the unnecessary cost involved when resources are squandered. Who can be credited with the introduction of OM? No one person can be credited with this process. After all, throughout the evolution of man, through the centuries man has always found ways of becoming more efficient. The nature of the human being is to essentially be lazy. Therefore the hu man being is constantly finding new ways to get more for less. This means more increase in productivity or output/input. This has to lead to the world today. The world now is that lead by an increase in productivity. The strive for this increase has fueled innovation. The steam engine was replaced with the gas engine. The horse and carriage were replaced by the horseless carriage and the typewriter with the personal computer. Why is this important? All of these accomplishments represent the natural human instinct to become more efficient.

RESEARCH STRATEGY PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

RESEARCH STRATEGY PAPER - Essay Example The things that one will take into consideration as possible solutions to the problem would likewise be presented. Statistics show that there are an alarming number of students who leave school for a variety of reasons. According to Alliance (2007), almost seven thousand students become dropouts every school day. It revealed that if the students who dropped out of the class of 2007 had graduated, the nation’s economy would have benefited from an additional $329 billion in income over their lifetimes. The implications of the students’ dropping out are not realized until it is just too late. It should be emphasized, however, that it is actually never too late to go back. College life poses strategic differences from high school making students totally unprepared for it. There are varieties of factors that scholars and researchers on the topic identify as the reasons why students fail in college. In this regard, this essay aims to determine the rationale behind barriers to collegiate success through an identification of the kinds and sources of information needed to address the problem, and an enumeration of suggested solutions after analyzing the rationale for failure to succeed. The discourse proffered by Taft College (2007) clearly depicted distinct differences in the areas of time, costs, responsibilities, classes, professors and tests with guiding principles stated for each classification. This information can be gathered through relevant secondary sources of scholars and researchers who conducted studies on the subject. Most of the information can be viewed from electronic sources. College education is basically voluntary and more expensive where students learn how to manage their own time. Students are expected to take accountability and responsibility for their academic performance through prioritizing compliance to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Identifying Female Masquerading Through Film Essay

Identifying Female Masquerading Through Film - Essay Example Once spectators feel a comfortable disconnect from the women on screen, they are able to realize that the representations being presented to them on the big screen are exaggerated masks of femininity. An example of this concept in action can be seen in the iconic actress Marilyn Monroe. During her career, Monroe was known for her ability to infuse overt and blatant sexuality into all of her performances. While she quickly became famous for her figure and sexual nature, she was not a person with whom the average female spectator would identify herself with. This disconnect is what the female masquerade is based around. With female spectators subconsciously separating themselves from the women they are seeing on screen, they are able to step back and view how these women use excessive femininity to play a part or get what they want on screen. Although women may be able to take bits and pieces of this type of behavior back into their regular lives, actually infusing this into their dail y world is not something they would feel comfortable doing   - which is why the world of film allows female spectators to pretend to be someone else. The next concept of the imaginary signifier is defined by Christian Metz. This theory consists of tying cinema’s interlocking mechanisms of production, exhibition and the development of movies themselves to the audience response of fantasy, desire and pleasures. As Metz describes, imaginary signifiers are essential in film because their purpose is to have movies act as â€Å"good† objects for audiences.... An example of this concept in action can be seen in the iconic actress Marilyn Monroe. During her career, Monroe was known for her ability to infuse overt and blatant sexuality into all of her performances. While she quickly became famous for her figure and sexual nature, she was not a person with whom the average female spectator would identify herself with. This disconnect is what the female masquerade is based around. With female spectators subconsciously separating themselves from the women they are seeing on screen, they are able to step back and view how these women use excessive femininity to play a part or get what they want on screen. Although women may be able to take bits and pieces of this type of behavior back into their regular lives, actually infusing this into their daily world is not something they would feel comfortable doing - which is why the world of film allows female spectators to pretend to be someone else. The next concept of the imaginary signifier is define d by Christian Metz. This theory consists of tying cinema’s interlocking mechanisms of production, exhibition and the development of movies themselves to the audience response of fantasy, desire and pleasures (Pieto, 2010). As Metz describes, imaginary signifiers are essential in film because their purpose is to have movies act as â€Å"good† objects for audiences. These positive experiences connect audiences with pleasurable emotions and therefore create a draw which will leave film spectators wanting to return to the cinema to experience those same emotions again. This theory can be furthered upon analyzing how people develop the type of movie genres they enjoy. Ask any person what their favorite

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rituals of Islam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rituals of Islam - Assignment Example Prayer serves myriad purposes such as teaching self-discipline that is required to perform prayer regularly and at proper times, to perform ablution that precedes prayer. Prayer is the central point of the life of a Muslim, which enables him to maintain a strong link with their Lord or continue his inner struggle against temptation. These aspects remind a Muslims of the limited and temporary nature of this worldly life and the certainty of death and life to come. Thus, it enables a Muslim to maintain a balance between the needs and claims of this life and the Hereafter (Brockopp 156). Similarly, Jews also perform prayer (Tefilah) three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Like Muslims, they believe that prayer should be performed with utmost concentration as it reminds them of God’s presence and countless blessings. Primarily, Jewish prayers are recited in Hebrew like Muslim prayers are recited in Arabic. However, Jewish prayers can be offered in any vernacular language, as Jews believe that God can understand them regardless of the language used. Jewish prayer is usually performed in a group of at least ten people called ‘minyan’. In contrast, though congregational prayers are considered more meritorious for Muslims; however, there is no barrier to praying singly. Similarly, like Islamic prayers, concentration (kavanah), and mindset that one is conversing with God is a pre-requisite for Jewish prayers. Jews believe that daily prayers direct their soul, heart, and mind away from everyday matters towards God. It reminds them of their co re beliefs and intensifies their bond with God. Thus, the fundamental purposes and significance of prayers in Islam and Judaism is the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Drainage Facility Design for Car Park Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Drainage Facility Design for Car Park - Essay Example A proper drainage facility should be designed to avoid any water logging situation in the park. The runoff from the car park will depend on the rainfall. Rainfall at a point varies significantly with change in season and occurance. Hence, it is utmost important to have sufficient information on the maximum rainfall in the area. By knowing the amount of water coming into the catchment of car park will determine the quantity of water flowing out from it. The water flowing out of the car park will also depend on the type of parking surface, water traps in the parking area and time of concentration. This will greatly influence the water flowing out to the sewers. The water coming into the parking area could be determined by use of various hydrological modelling and it is also possible to develop different scenarios of the same. World is facing serious problems due to changing climate scenario. This change is due to unplanned use of resources and pollution caused due to the same. Changing carbon concentration in atmosphere has affected the climate system. This has also resulted in ever increasing natural disasters throughout the world in the form of earthquakes, cyclones, flood, drought, tsunami etc. The frequency of less probable extreme events has increased and the world is facing serious problems to meet MDG. ... The frequency of less probable extreme events has increased and the world is facing serious problems to meet MDG. With globalization and technological advancement people are looking for coping mechanism to live with the shrinking resource base. A major impact of this climate change has been on the rainfall pattern. The frequency, intensity and duration of the rainfall in many parts of the world have changed significantly in the recent past. Flash floods, acid rains and high intensity rainfall is a unique feature. Surface hydrology depends largely on the precipitation pattern, it is important to estimate forecast to reduce damage. Water harvesting is an effective way to conserve water resources. Runoff from the parking area could be used in many ways. Normally, there is provision to collect this water and divert it into sewer for safe disposal. This water could also be used for storage and recharge purposes in the areas with less rainfall availability. Recharging of the aquifer by use of this water is a good idea. The major task while planning for these systems is to calculate the maximum rainfall for the region. Various methods are used in estimating the probable maximum rainfall for an area. 1. Construction and the use of IDF curves: Intensity-duration-frequency curves are used in determining the intensity of rainfall. It is commonly used to calculate the value of (I) in rational method. These curves are the graphical representation of the probability of occurance of a rainfall of average intensity. The rational method illustrates a proper application of IDF curve. IDF curves should not be used to obtain storm runoff volumes. The Intensity-Duration-Frequency curve is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Othello Essay Example for Free

Othello Essay The language of sin is not just Ð ° theologically freighted way of talking about morally bad acts; it points to Ð ° deeper flaw within human life as we experience it, Ð ° perversion of outlook and desire that we may come to recognise but cannot fully evade. Overview According to Ð ° view going back to Aristotle (and probably earlier); someone who acts out of Ð ° mistaken belief about Ð ° relevant matter of fact may not be morally culpable for what would otherwise be Ð ° bad action. For example, Ð ° doctor who administers an antibiotic without realising that his patient is allergic to it is not guilty of murder if the patient subsequently dies, assuming that the mistake in question is Ð ° good-faith error which the doctor could not have avoided (perhaps the patient neglected to give the correct information about allergies when asked to do so). In this kind of situation, ignorance of relevant facts would seem to render the act in question involuntary in Ð ° qualified respect that is to say, precisely considered as an act of murder. (Travitsky 184-96) And since we presuppose that someone is morally responsible only for her freely chosen actions, it follows that in these kinds of cases, the agent cannot be regarded as morally culpable for what is objectively Ð ° bad action. In the tragedy of Othello, many animal references are made by Iago to the people he disrespects. The purpose of Shakespeare depicting Iago as Ð ° character who perceives others as animals is to show his dominance and his representation of mankind, illustrating his superiority over others. The interpretation of Iago signifying mankind reveals another side of him, his bestial nature. (David et. All 1335-38) Discussion Aristotle apparently did not believe that the same line of analysis could be applied to someone who acts out of Ð ° mistaken moral view, and Aquinas and most other scholastic theologians would have agreed, albeit not always on Aristotelian grounds. 2 However, in recent years Ð ° number of moral theologians and some philosophers have argued that moral mistakes do obviate moral guilt that is, someone who acts out of Ð ° sincere but wrong belief that Ð ° given kind of action is morally permissible cannot be regarded as morally culpable for what she does, even if the act in question is in every other respect voluntary. Of course, if this extension of the Aristotelian argument is to be plausible, one would need to add that the mistake in question is not itself the result of prior wrong-doing, and that the agent has taken due care to form his conscience appropriately and to determine what he genuinely owes to himself, to other persons, and (perhaps) to non-human entities or to God. Given these qualifications, however, one might say, for example, that Ð ° doctor who kills her patient in the sincere but (let’s assume) mistaken belief that she is justified in thus ending his suffering is not subjectively guilty of murder. The agent freely commits, and is therefore morally responsible for, Ð ° kind of action that (by hypothesis) meets the objective criteria for murder; yet given that she acts out of Ð ° mistaken belief that the act in question is not morally wrong, she does not commit Ð ° voluntary act of murder, considered precisely as an act of wrongful killing. (Straznicky 104-34) This is at least Ð ° plausible view. It seems harsh to regard someone as morally guilty for an action carried out under the mistaken, yet sincere and conscientious belief that an act of the relevant kind is morally justified particularly when we reflect that none of us can be certain that our own moral beliefs are correct in every respect. What is more, this line of analysis seems to correspond to at least some widespread intuitions. I believe most people in industrialised societies would be prepared to take this line with respect to cases involving widely controversial and difficult issues, as presented, for example, by an act of euthanasia. However, in other kinds of cases, we may well balk at the conclusion that moral ignorance justifies Ð ° particular line of action. Imagine Ð ° doctor who kills her patient because he is an extremely unpleasant old man who is tormenting his family for no good purpose; what is more, he has left Ð ° large sum of money to Ð ° charity which desperately needs it. The doctor sincerely believes that the needs of this man’s relatives and the demands of the common good override her obligations not to kill, and she acts accordingly. (David et. All 1335-38) Analysis In response, it might be said that some moral norms are so obvious that no one could make Ð ° good faith mistake about them; thus, Ð ° mentally competent adult who genuinely does not know that murder is wrong must be guilty of (at least) culpable neglect. This argument fits well with what came to be the dominant scholastic view on ‘ignorance of the law’ with respect to the natural law that is to say, since the fundamental precepts of the natural law are in some sense innate, Ð ° competent adult cannot fail to grasp them unless she is guilty of some kind of prior wrong-doing or negligence. Some contemporary theologians extend this line of analysis as follows: Admittedly, some moral mistakes are ipso facto evidence of prior wrong-doing, negligence, or bad faith. Yet, at least with respect to the difficult and complex questions we face today, genuine, non-culpable moral mistakes are both possible and exculpating. (Travitsky 184-96) This line of analysis, in turn, lends credence to Ð ° widespread view according to which one’s moral status depends exclusively on the orientation of the agent’s will as expressed through her freely chosen actions (considered either singly, or as comprising an overall pattern of behaviour). Straznicky 104-34) On this view, Ð ° mistaken moral judgment, while regrettable, has no moral significance in itself. In the words of John Coons and Patrick Brennan, ‘It is, then, plainly plausible that while humans have Ð ° primary obligation to seek correct treatment of others (and self), their honest pursuit of that ideal effects whatever moral perfection is possible to the individual’. Certainly, it is true that Othello acts as he does out of Ð ° mistaken belief about Desdemona’s infidel ity. But I want to argue that this mistake alone would not account for his act, were it not for other mistaken beliefs he holds, at least one of which clearly concerns Ð ° moral principle. Before moving to that point, however, is it worth spending some time over Othello’s factual mistakes (I believe he makes more than one), seen in the context of what we are shown about his overall character and disposition. Even if we bracket the special difficulties raised by moral mistakes, the moral significance of mistaken beliefs is not as straightforward as we may assume or so Othello’s example would suggest. (Jane et. All 19-47) Othello’s story is Ð ° tragedy, and not just Ð ° very sad story, because it is the story of the destruction of Ð ° noble, deeply admirable man brought about through his own weaknesses, systematically exploited by Ð ° malicious enemy. In order for this story to have the force that it does, Shakespeare must first of all make it clear that Othello really is noble and deeply admirable. This point is sometimes obscured by the vulgar racist slurs directed against him by Iago and at least tacitly accepted by some of the other characters (see, for example, I. 1, 88–89). Yet isn’t this the kind of thing that we would expect Iago to say? Shakespeare takes pains to show that Othello himself does not fit the stereotypes of the lustful, rash and unthinking black man on which Iago trades. On the contrary when we first see him, in the encounter with Brabantio (Desdemona’s father), it is the latter that is rash and unthinking, not to say hysterical, whereas Othello is Ð ° model of self-restraint under extreme provocation (I. 2, beginning at line 58). He defends himself before the Venetian senate in terms of great dignity and candour, and his account of his love for Desdemona makes it clear that he truly does love her, just as her love for him is no girlish infatuation, but an intelligent response to his past sufferings and his noble character (I. , 129ff. ). His subsequent behaviour is that of Ð ° devoted husband who also bears Ð ° public trust, to which he properly gives priority with his wife’s full understanding and consent far from jumping into bed with his new bride, he sails to Cyprus and sees to preliminary arrangements for the defence and governance of the island, apparently before his marriage is ever consummated (I. 3, 260–79, and espec ially 299–300). Even Iago admits that left to him, Othello will most probably make Desdemona Ð ° good, loving husband (II. , 284–85). What is more, Othello is Ð ° seasoned general of many years’ experience, the best military mind available to the Venetians, someone whom they regard as worthy of unrestrained public trust this is no unsophisticated fool, but Ð ° mature, intelligent man at the height of Ð ° vital and demanding profession. And yet, this dignified and loving man is first reduced to Ð ° state of near-dementia, and then brought to Ð ° cool determination to kill his wife, through the machinations of Iago. In watching this process, it is difficult not to get caught up in the sheer fascination of Iago’s deliberate villainy how could anyone be so callous to every human feeling, so cheerfully calculating as he plans the destruction of those around him, so irredeemably evil? Confronted by such Ð ° spectacle, it is easy to overlook the fact that Othello’s transformation from Ð ° loving husband into Ð ° relentless avenger is, in its own way, almost as disturbing. (David et. All 1335-38) How can such Ð ° transformation take place? Of course, Othello is the victim of Ð ° deliberate deception, but that fact alone does not really answer the question, because it is by no means clear how Iago manages to convince Othello of Desdemona’s guilt after all, he has no actual evidence whatever, and not very much in the way of circumstantial evidence. What is more, even granting Othello’s conviction of Desdemona’s guilt, it would not be necessary for him to kill her he could banish her, as she pleads (V. 2, 79), or divorce her and send her back to her family. He might even forgive her and try to retrieve his marriage. (Straznicky 104-34) Thus, Iago’s malicious deception, while troubling in its own right, should not be allowed to obscure the puzzles presented by Othello’s own behaviour. Why is he vulnerable to Iago’s designs in the first place, and why does he react to Desdemona’s adultery (as he believes to be the case) in the way that he does? We must look for the answers to these questions in Othello himself. (David et. All 1335-38) One starting point immediately suggests itself. Why is it so easy for Iago to persuade Othello that his beloved Desdemona has committed adultery with his lieutenant Cassio? Shouldn’t Othello’s love for Desdemona which I believe we should take at face value have inclined him to resist, or even just to ignore, Iago’s insinuations? It might be said that Iago gets away with his plan so easily because Othello is so trusting, as Iago himself suggests as he notes, Othello has ‘Ð ° free and open nature’ and will believe what he is told (I. 3, 396–400). And indeed, once Iago (seemingly) begins to respond to his demands for proof, Othello never doubts him until confronted with unmistakable proof of his treachery. (Travitsky 184-96) Certainly, Othello places Ð ° remarkable degree of trust in Iago but it seems inaccurate to say that he is trusting without qualification. He does not trust Desdemona at all. Admittedly, he catches her in Ð ° lie over the handkerchief he gave her, but had he been so disposed, he could have seen this for what it is the self-protective lie of Ð ° flustered young woman (II. , 45–94). More tellingly, he does not trust Emilia when she insists, repeatedly and strongly, that Desdemona has never betrayed him, even though Emilia (Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s personal attendant) is in Ð ° better position than anyone else to know about her intimate activities (IV. 2, 1–24). It begins to look as if Othello is prepared to trust some, but not others in particular, he trusts men but he does not trust women. This suspicion is confirmed by his remarks about women, remarks which we know to reflect general Elizabethan attitudes that women are naturally lustful, cannot be relied upon to maintain chastity without continual supervision, and are sly and deceitful to boot (III. 3, 264–80). Various comments, together with the whole tenor of his behaviour towards Iago, suggest very different beliefs about at least some classes of men, namely frank, hearty types such as Iago, whom he regards as honest and worthy of trust (III. 3, 124, and especially 245).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Analysing Many Different Types Of Backpacks English Language Essay

Analysing Many Different Types Of Backpacks English Language Essay Are you someone who is outdoors all the time or just someone who travels an awful lot? If either one of these sounds like you, then you need to invest in Jens port backpacks. These heavy duty stylish bags will be able to haul all of your things no matter where you are going. Jan sport backpacks are great for just about anyone, including kids heading to school or soccer practice or an adult who needs a little extra room when taking some things to work or for play. Finding the perfect kids backpack for your child has now become a lot easier with the existence of our site, where there is a compilation of all the finest kids backpack collections out there from most of the famed bag-designers in the market today for you to choose and select from! Choose from absolutely outstanding designers that have decades of experience in the field of bag-making such as Coleman, the North Face, Kelty, Roxy, Camlback and others as you seek for the ideal backpack that would The backpacks for girls are p robably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of carrying books, pens, and papers around for school. Backpacks are the best possible way to carry everything you could ever need to class. If youre the kind of girl who needs her books, laptop, 10 different types of pens, cell phone, water bottle, snacks, money, makeup, and more, definitely consider a backpack to fit it all. Its always easier to distribute the weight of three textbooks and Functional. yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks range in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized can a a laptop on Pack your gears; its time to t ravel. Whether its for mountaineering, light traveling, long distance trips, commuting, backpacking, skiing or for school; you can always rely on The North Face for backpacks that are high in quality, functional and durable. The North Face backpacks have been engineered using proprietary technologies, only to give you the best packs to fit your needs and gears. Credit goes to the two hiking enthusiasts, Douglas Tompkins and Kenneth Hap Klopp, the founders. Backpacks with wheels Without a doubt, rolling backpacks are becoming increasingly popular within todays population, for the simple reason that they offer more convenience compared to traditional backpacks or duffels. These rolling backpacks can be easily dragged on the ground, which requires relatively less energy compared to carrying your backpack on your shoulder and hurting your back and shoulders in the process. Undoubtedly a safer and more convenient substitute to traditional b- Functional yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks angel in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized can Travel bags have been evolving s ince decades ago. Historically, the main types of luggage were chests and trunks which were manufactured from wood and other heavy materials. When the Second World War lurched its head out, smaller and more lightweight luggage was introduced. These days, luggage bags come in various forms and materials which make us confuse about what to choose. Main types of travel luggage are suitcases, duffel bags, totes, and most popularly rolling luggage bags. The best type. Backpack injuries have become so common, that orthopedic surgeons are now advising consumers to keep the weight of their backpack to a ratio of 20% their body weight to prevent any more injuries. Or better still to switch to a rolling backpack. Switching over to a rolling backpack would mean Youve got a lot of stuff, we get that. Too much stuff for your backpack? Not necessarily, but definitely too much for your back and shoulders. Getting a rolling backpack will help you tremendously. You can fit everything you need, from school supplies to travel gear in a single rolling backpack. Available in many colors and styles, you can carry it on an airplane and you can take it with you almost anywhere without the hassle of throwing a heavy bag over your shoulders. no weight on your shoulders at all. -Swiss army backpacks If you are a fan of Diane Von Furstenberg, then here are a few Diane von Furstenberg luggage options to consider. Diane Von Furstenberg luggage include the following types Diane von Furstenberg color on the go 25 inch wheeled suitcase which include the following features such as smooth in-line skate wheels, telescoping handle that locks in place, each upright expands 2 for increased packing capacity, valet straps to keep clothing securely in place and interiors affair many years people have been carrying their luggage to the point of lugging it around when they traveled. The invention of wheeled backpack is a real boon for travelers. Almost every trip you take will involve some sort of luggage and the type of trip will determine whether you carry a tote, laptop carry on, duffel bag or a full 5 piece set of luggage. Be it a weekend getaway trip or a 3 week safari in the jungle, wheeled backpack is always an essential part of your luggage. They are a great re fully line and also featu re A backpack cooler is ideal for those who engage in activities such as hiking, camping, attending or playing in sporting events and picnicking that require food and drink to be kept at a certain temperature but need the ability to carry and transport it easily and conveniently. The exterior of backpack coolers are typically made of nylon or polyester with an insulated interior made of a waterproof or water resistant material. A lightweight, functional backpacTheres something magical about family picnics and outdoor fun activities; something that makes the spirit soar and adds flavor to everything shared. Maybe its the revitalizing fresh air or the alluring blue skies. Figure it out yourself come the next spring by spreading out a mat or quilt under a green shadowy tree and enjoy a great family picnic. To get started you will require the following cooler offers a perfect soul Demand for the Promotional Tote Bags is skyrocketing as more and more consumers recognize the impact of dis posable plastic grocery bags on the environment. Too, several communities have already banned use of plastic grocery bags in a trend which is likely to continue. With a wide selection of reusable totes at varying price points there are great options available for a variety of promotions from affordable giveaway to formal gifts. Thats why reusable. Star wars backpack Do you need a bag that will be able to help you get around whether it is while you are traveling, hiking or just walking around town? Dakine backpacks are always a great choice for anyone who is looking for a stylish, yet comfortable way to bring all of their necessary items with them. Dakine backpacks come in an array of styles so depending on what you are looking for, you will be able to find the right kind of bag just for your style needs. Below is a list of Mozambiques top destinations, click on the link to view all details and tours. our can carry in comfort and style. If you enjoy cold drinks or fishing, then there is a good reason why you should chuck out the cooler box and get a cooler backpack. This sort of backpack now comes in a variety of colors, designs and sizes so you can even choose one that most suit your lifestyle. It does not even look like a cooler but just like any regular backpack. Functional yet versatile, school backpacks have now become an essential accessory for school going kids. These school backpacks now come in beautiful designs featuring cartoon characters as well as floral prints in bold and bright colors which truly express a childs personality. These backpacks range in color, material, weight and size and are just right for kids and adults of all ages. They are multi-utility bags that besides keeping books, assignments and other school articles organized. A backpack cooler is ideal for those who engage in activities such as hiking, camping, attending or playing in sporting events and picnicking that require food and drink to be kept at a certain temperature but need the ability to carry and transport it easily and conveniently. The exterior of backpack coolers are typically made of nylon or polyester with an insulated interior made of a waterproof or water resistant material. A lightweight, functional backpack cooler offers a perfect solution. The tulips are blooming in the backyard. Spring is here. Spring is the season for new beginnings, and for spending more time outdoors. Every season has its own characteristic gifts. While Easter is the most significant holiday in early spring, there are other gifting occasions besides this holiday. This article provides some spring gift ideas below. kelty backpacks Finding the perfect kids backpack for your child has now become a lot easier with the existence of our site, where there is a compilation of all the finest kids backpack collections out there from most of the famed bag-designers in the market today for you to choose and select from! Choose from absolutely outstanding designers that have decades of experience in the field of bag-making such as Coleman, the North Face, Kelty, Roxy, Camlback and others as you seek for the ideal backpack that would sadie.backhurst | Backpacks used by soldiers are known as load carrying systems. The different systems have developed from countless researches, after plenty changes have been made to them and after years of experience with load carrying systems. There are three major load carrying systems that are used in the United States military Pack your gears; its time to travel. Whether its for mountaineering, light traveling, long distance trips, commuting, backpacking, skiing or for school; you can a lways rely on The North Face for backpacks that are high in quality, functional and durable. The North Face backpacks have been engineered using proprietary technologies, only to give you the best packs to fit your needs and gears. Credit goes to the two hiking enthusiasts, Douglas Tompkins and Kenneth Hap Klopp, the founders and Cycling is a wonderful way to blow off a little steam or relax on a nice, sunny Saturday. A lot of people are extremely into cycling as a sport and buy all kinds of fancy gear to try and make their ride better, faster and more comfortable. Whether you are a diehard cyclist or just a weekend rider, one piece of equipment that is essential to any cyclist is a bag for your bike where you can keep necessary items.There are all sorts of different bags available for purchase that can hold just It may surprise you to know that most often tactical equipment is not conceptualized by scientists or engineers, but rather by those with the highest level of expertise, t o wit, people who themselves are or have been in law enforcement or the armed forces. These are the types of people who develop expertise by having used the gear that is out there and know what is needed out in the field. One example is Blackhawk Tactical. This company was founded by an operative in the Special Forces who found When searching for a store to meet your tactical equipment needs, you want to find one that not only carries good, quality gear, but also one that has a high quantity of different types and brands. The types of items that a decent tactical gear store should carry include belts, boots, battering rams, flashlights, knives, tactical holsters with packs, vests, shooting mats, medical gear, hydration packs, and drop leg pouches. They should also carry a wide variety of accessories, such as clothing, chest and eye protection, armor, duffel bags to carry the equipment, weapons, shoes, gloves, equipment for outdoor protection, and other things of that nature. When sh opping for this type of gear, look to ensure it has been approved by either an authorized establishment or the government. Overall, you want to see a wide variety of gear with many options to choose from within each category. You can also search online for the type of gear you wish to procure so you canomparison shop before even stepping foot into a store. Most of the best, well-reputed tactical impend companies also have a customer help line that you can call and receive advice on the best type of equipment to use for specific uses and how to use it. Tactical equipment critically geared towards police officers focuses on the needs of officers while in pursuit of a manual suspect, investigating and preventing criminal activity and riot and crowd control. As police officers typically need such gear as flashlights and flashlight holders, batons and baton holders and gun holsters. Police officers also use tactical vests, gloves, special hydration systems, and tactical goggles. The tactical vest worn by police officers serves not only as a backpack, but also as body armor. It can even be used to store extermination, water, or other small items that the officer may need to keep handy. Tactical equipment is ess ential for police officers and military personnel to carry out their duties safely and effectively. Not only does this gear protect civilians from harm, but it also helps ensure that police officers and soldiers are safe from serious injury or death. With so many companies out in the market today making and distributing tactical gear. Toddler backpacks If your child has just turned two he or she will probably think that they are completely independent now. A good way to encourage them and to plan some fun in the park is to buy them a backpack. It is important to choose the correct back pack for your toddler or you may find that you end up carrying it! Firstly the backpack must not be too long. You do not want to have the backpack pulling down or getting in the way on the slide (you may find that your child is not always willing to take off their new back pack once you get to the park!).Secondly it is important that you cannot fit too much in their back pack. There will be days when your toddler will want to take their entire car or doll collection out with them, if the back pack is fairly small then they will realize that not everything will fit into it and hence will learn to limit their park toys. Keeping it practical is an important part of everything to do with a toddler. You can guarantee that your toddler will want to carry their own picnic snacks so make sure that your toddlers backpack is easy to clean. It needs to be lined so you can just wipe out the inside. It is also probably a good idea to avoid the fabric outer layered ones as these get wet and waterlogged, and the mud sticks firmly to them. Now comes the really difficult choice what should your toddlers backpack have on it? Well, be warned that if you go for a recognized childrens character such as Noddy or Spiderman there is the chance that you child will decide that they no longer like this character and then they will want a new backpack! If you choose something more general such as a fireman bag, or a bag which is quite plain and you can pretend it is whatever you want it to be; one day it can be Dora the Explorers bag, the next day it can be Diegos backpack; it can be a doctors bag, whatever you child thinks of, you can pretend it is. Finally you need to make sure that you dont end up carrying your toddlers bag. Toddlers learn all the t ime from copying, so the more respect you give an item the more respect your child will give it. It might be a fun idea to give your toddler an old mobile phone which is no longer in use (remember to take out the battery for safety), and a key ring with an old key on it. Then when you are leaving home you can run through a check list; my bag, my keys, my phone; your bag, your keys, your phone. By doing this together he will see how important your bag is and will hopefully place a similar importance on his own bag. Now you are ready to head out together. If you are going on a long bus or train journey, I found it useful to sometimes hide a little present in the bottom of the bag, so just when it is all getting boring and the other passengers are starting to stare, you can get your toddler to delve into their bag and find a special treat if this is wrapped up, it will take up even more of the journey while they open it! Jon Kelly is a published author who writes pieces on a variety o f diverse subjects. This includes articles about all aspects of rucksacks and backpacks. If you would like to get more ideas about backpacks. Skateboard backpacks Since the hover boards of the future will be larger and taller than traditional skateboards they will require a little more room to be stored. For kids using hover boards to go to high school or using them on college campuses to get to and from the dorms, apartments or their homes special changes will need to be made on their backpacks storage systems. A few hover board designs which had been kicked around at the online think tank discussed inflatable sections of the board. If parts of the hover board can be deflated then the hover board can rest in a sleeve on the back of a custom designed backpack similar to the ones that kids use to put their schoolbooks in. Once done with class the rider will have to re-inflate the hover board; this can be done by a couple of strategies. A small pump mechanism can be incorporated into the backpack and solar powered operating by battery. The small pump would be engaged after the hover board is turned on which will allow the airflow directed into the inflatable parts. This would fill up the hover board like a balloon (half-way), but additional air pressure will be needed to fully inflate. This is where the small pump mechanism comes in. The backpack storage device for the hover board will be an integral part for the rider. Skateboards are often put into a sleeve in special backpacks with Velcro straps. The hover board will follow this tradition with only an incremental change as needed. Those who designed backpacks for schoolbooks will also get into the hover board backpack carrying business. Currently there are several patents for backpacks that hold skateboards and if you go into any skateboard shop you can see the current designs and models; these will all be changing as the number of hover boards increases into the market. There are even some inexpensive skateboard holding designs at Wal-Mart. The market potential for hover boards is most likely about 35 million users in the United States alone. Much of this will be determined by cost and efficient cease of economies of scale in manufacturing, along with current economic conditions. Accessories for hover boards will be as common as accessories for new iPods, BMX racing bikes or ATVs. There will also be new attire, safety gear and the incorporation of communication systems within the hover board available online in Internet Stores and in specialty skateboard, hover board and surfing shops. Net centrically speaking the backpack will be an integral part of hover board use in future society. -Childrens backpacks It can be difficult choosing the right rucksack for your kid therefore you should become aware of the wide ranging possibilities that you may pay for. It can be of utmost importance that we all give our kids with the right kind of backpack as befits what their ages are. Exactly what specifications should an individual pick? Exactly what color? Might the backpack be one with added wheels or simply a plain dual strap rucksack? Do you notice that a majority of young children are always in a hurry and most of the time they simply dispose of almost all their textbooks and stuff in their carriers, throw it across their sensitive backs then move out of the door? Selecting a bad kids school bags could cause them to have considerable spinal injuries and posture troubles. When utilizing school bags for kids, both shoulder straps should be used to disperse the weight of the load equally towards the shoulders. Make sure you get a backpack which includes numerous pockets to balance out the pressure on all sides. It can be harmful to lug weight that the physique is unable to tolerate so confine the weight you place on those backpacks for young people. Doctors advise that a childrens backpack need to be restricted to 15-20% of their total bodyweight. The backpack also needs to look eye-catching, fashionable and pleasing to the child. You may even choose one with large, padded straps which will not dig directly into your kids shoulder blades. Yet another alternative is a backpack on little wheels. But guarantee that the kids school allows the utilization of one. Spending some time to carry out a little shopping around before purchasing a book bag is worthy of the expense. With the new school year just beginning it seems appropriate to discuss the problem ma ny of our children are experiencing as a result of their backpacks. Textbooks, homework and other supplies place a heavy load on our childrens backs which can cause back pain during the school year and may progress to chronic back pain later in life. In 1998 the United States reported that over 12,700 children between the ages of 5-18 went to the emergency room to seek help for backpack related injuries. The reason is quite simple. Our children are carrying more weight than their bodies can handle. Carrying too much weight is a greater concern for a child than for an adult because as children grow their muscles, skeleton and brain learn from each other how to move. The abnormal positions required to carry an overloaded backpack become thought, by the body, to be normal, when in fact they are quite detrimental to our childs physical development. If a backpack weighs more than 25% of a childs body weight problems with balance precipitate injuries simply when climbing stairs or opening up doors. Waterproof backpacks Do you love the outdoors? Do you enjoy activities like camping, hiking, trekking, fishing and biking? Do you engage in adventurous sports? Does taking a break for you mean, packing your bags and heading to the countryside, river side or mountainside? Then what you really need to invest in is a waterproof backpack. Waterproof bags are a must for all outdoor lovers. They help shield electronic gadgets like cameras, torches, iPods and also protect food supplies and other essentials from getting wet. They come in waterproof materials ranging from polyurethane-coated nylon to waterproof tarpaulin. A thick lining on the inside gives complete waterproof guarantee to the users. When one embarks on adventurous trips, there could be a possibility of a sudden weather change like a thunder storm, a hailstorm or even a downright downpour. At such times a waterproof bag is like a blessing in disguise. It protects your clothes and travel items from damage. When you are on an expedition, you are pro bably cut off from stores where you can usually purchase supplies. It is therefore essential to protect ones belongings and waterproof backpacks help to do just that. Electronic items are high value items and can easily be damaged by the slightest exposure to moisture. The waterproof fabric of such backpacks protects against moisture from entering the bag, thus providing complete security and cover for your valuable goods. You can even cross a river without having to worry about your belongings if you are equipped with a waterproof bag. Waterproof backpacks come with airtight zippers that ensure watertight protection. If thrown in water they can stay afloat thereby preventing even a drop of water from seeping through. They have broad padded straps and a waist strap that helps distribute the weight of the luggage in the most comfortable manner. Most waterproof backpacks have a soft exterior which makes it comfortable to carry along. Some bags are customized with waterproof camera com partments and a special compartment for the tripod stand of the camera. This gives your camera a 100% protection against any water. If you are carrying any liquids in the bag and accidentally spilled it, waterproof backpacks will prevent it from leaking out and eBay have a great selection of waterproof backpacks. They can be purchased online and will be shipped to your destination. Many adventure sports stores also offer these products. So grab your waterproof backpacks now and go wild! Backpacks with wheels I had not thought that a backpack with wheels would in fact work for backpacking, unitl I visited web site of Jansport, I was really impressed. You put on a frame that binds you to a wheeled backpack. You can even move through logs and rocks with it. I wondered about what may other backpacking ideas are in waiting to be exposed. Here are some more attractions that I came up with. Accept these ideas, please. With backpacks without frame we have to put folded sleeping pads in the backpack for pillowing against our backs and put some support for picking the load. A new idea is to have the part of the backpack that inflates against the users back. The same technology is used for lower weight auto-inflating sleeping pads, it would only add about a bit to the weight. The backpack could then also serve as a foot-bag / foot-pad for resting. Further enhancing this idea of back-with-wheels, I envisage an auto-inflating backpack that unfolds into a rest- pad. The frame of the backpack would ser ve as a U shaped pad, with desired rigidity in the pack, too. Auto-inflating resting or sleeping bag pads hardly weigh approx 15-ounce now while frame less packs measure approx 12-ounce or more, so a perfect combination of two can be achieved in just 20-ounce of total weight. Besides plastics, backpacking food bags are now available in Wax-paper packaging, too. Now as wax paper easily burn even when they are wet, these packages serve two-times more as fire-starters in emergency. If you have to carry more water than usual, you can take a plastic bladder from boxed wine. They are low-weight, robust, and you can inflate them with air to use as a pillow when needed. All you need is a remove its soft removable covering to use a two-in-one water container/pillow. Although it is not a backpack-with wheels item, another portable backpack idea is a frame-less jacket with backpack arrangements. It can be unfolded in a way that reveals normal shoulder straps. When used as jacket, it would alle viate the pack to keep you warm and cozy. It would also make it easy to pass through heavy brushes, as it does not catch on other stuffs easily. It experiences same as putting on a large jacket over a backpack, but with low-weight and stable utility that come with the combination. It is better known as a Pack-it Jack-et. For those are full with gaming and want to walk with gaming arrangements along, may print a chess or checkers board or some other game on a jacket or backpack, and carry you game along without extra care or concern. It serves a great time-pass arrangement when you have to spend hours in the tent in a rainy time. No need to bother about pieces, you can always use stones or pine as checkers, in stead. My mind is brimming up with innovative backpacking ideas as I write this article on backpack with wheels. Most of these ideas are items with two-in-one combinations. You may like some of them and ma

Friday, September 20, 2019

Importance of Having an Inter Professional Team

Importance of Having an Inter Professional Team This essay is meant to throw light on the importance of having an inter professional team that would make the service delivery to patients easier. In this essay I will discuss the roles played by nurses and other professionals in the team. The essay will reflect the efficiency of such a team and their work distribution and involvement. I will highlight the ways in which a team of professionals will work together to take proper decisions during emergency situations and tackle them effectively. The essay will also critically evaluate the various concepts of inter professional team work. An interprofessional team is a group of people who have a certain common goals or objectives which drives them to work together by setting aside individual goals. Inter professional team can be defined as a dynamic process involving two or more health care professionals with complementary backgrounds and skills, sharing common health goals and exercising concerted physical and mental effort in assessing, planning, or evaluating patient care, accomplished through interdependent collaboration, open communication and shared decision-making, and generates value-added patient, organizational and staff outcomes (Xyrichis and Ream 2007). Freeth et al (2005) defined inter professional team work as when two or more professional learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care. The healthcare sector started showing interest in the interprofessional working during the early 1990. (Institute of Medicine, 1998;ONeil and Pew Health Professions Commission 1998;ÂÂ  Pew Health Professions Commission 1995a,ÂÂ  1995b,ÂÂ  1998). The Association of American Medical Colleges, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing suggested that the graduates must have enough knowledge in interprofessional collaboration (Varkey, Reller, Smith, Ponet, OsbornÂÂ  , 2006). Varkey (2006) also pointed out that there should be enough cooperation between the various professionals in healthcare field for the success of this profession. But unfortunately this fact is not included in the curriculum of the different medical schools in USA. Inter professional teams are more effective in rehabilitating the patients than individual health care professionals. The number of patients having positive impact by the inter professional service is larger than those by individual service providers. A very strategic role played by nurses is highlighted now. The nursing tutors face the dual challenge of preparing their students enter into nursing profession as well as equip them to cooperate effectively with other health practitioners (Lattuca, 200l;ÂÂ  Newell, 1998). An interprofessional team is working to provide service in a properly planned and systematic manner. In the health care sector inter professional teams are meant to develop groups that works towards efficiently rendering care to the patients. These teams include nurses, doctors, and other health care professionals. For a team to be efficient role clarity to inevitable and this will help them define their own duties and responsibilities avoiding conflicts (West and Markiowicz, 2004). A team essentially will have a team leader who will lead the team and motivate them to render good service working together (Martin and Rogers 2004). A health care team will work effectively if there is stability in the team, this will make the team member in the group work with shared trust and understanding (West and Slater (1996); Gair and Hartery, (2001)). Interprofessional teams are of various types, they include multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary etc. In case of multidisciplinary teams the members are from various teams. These members set their own discipline specific goals and work towards achieving it. But ultimately the result is calculated as the total of all the disciplines (Dean and Geiringer 1990). The position of team members in the team hierarchy will affect the way in which the team functions and how it will render the service (Cotts, 1998). In case of a multidisciplinary team there exist subgroups of doctors, social workers, therapists and also subgroups which had nurses and other junior staff. Her study also unveiled the idea that the different subgroups had different perceptions about the inter professional teams. Inter professional team work is highly essential in operation theatres and intensive and trauma care units. Since these are the emergency units of a hospital the situation of such units cannot be predicted and thus highly challenging. The interprofessional team may have to work highly efficiently and together. There exists a high rate of tension and stress in the team members in such emergency situations. According to McWilliam et al (2003), interprofessional working is a very difficult task for health care professionals. The patients didnt get the full benefit of interprofessional working due to the misunderstanding between the health care professionals regarding the policies and procedures in it. Mistreatment of elders is a serious issue and its growing day by day. It is the responsibility of nurses to identify and prevent such occurrences (Baker Heitkemper, 2005). The nurses have a variety of roles to play in an Inter-professional elder mistreatment team. At present the roles involve screening and assessment, mandatory reporting, direct care, and complaint investigation. Elder mistreatment (EM) is a very complicated issue and can be effectively solved through inter-professional association. Critics like Bion (1961) say that the interprofessional teams fail to focus on the real task they should be doing. The primary tasks for which they have come together is forgotten most of the by the interprofessional teams. Whenever there is an issue the teams to fail to reach at a consensus and they do not take proper decisions on the issue (Strokes 1994). The meetings conducted in order to take decision on the matter are just a waste of time. These assumptions are based on the work group mentality theory. Critics of interprofessional team have questioned the values of the team. It is said that the teams are not well managed and they do not work properly and responsibily. Negotiation theory puts forward the perspective of negotiating the personal and professional goals. (Strauss, 1978) The negotiations by professionals in the health care field have played a critical role in molding the characteristics of an interprofessional team. Loss and change theory reiterates that the health care professionals like doctors and nurses lose their professional identity as they are working in a team, this will lead to developing an improper relationship and improper behavior in the team (Atkins, 1998). Thus it critically points to the inter professional teams in that it wouldnt serve the purpose of forming a team the unhappiness of the team members can lead to inefficient functioning. The increase of cost in hospitals will also result if there is lack of proper communication between the professionals like doctors, nurses and staff and also if they are not coordinated well (Gavett, Drucker, McCrum and Dickinson, 1985). The roles played by nurses in the interprofessional teams are fast evolving. The importance of specialist skills for nurses is now recognized and new role have come up. The Macmillan nurse is an example of such new roles and they possess skills in palliative care and are expected to look after patients with terminal illness. Another group called night practitioners literally run the hospitals at night. They are skilled to assist any department and are sometimes considered better than junior doctors too (Martin Rogers, 2004) While working in an interprofessional team, there is an increased chance of conflict between the team members regarding the superiority in the team. The truth is everyone is equal while working in a team and nobody should themselves subordinate to anyone. But sometimes the nurses and their opinions are ignored in an interprofessional team. Such events makes them reluctant to be a part of such teams (Martin Rogers, 2004). Task shifting is a common practice among the professionals now days (Reeves, 2010). This would help the traditional professionals to relieve of their heavy workload. The nursing practitioners and physician assistants are such roles (Hooker McCaig, 2001). The multiplicative effects model of interprofessional working views it more than the sum of its parts. Here the synergy obtained from such work is described (Leathard, 1994). According to this model, interprofessional working improves the contributions of individual team members and thus will help in the overall development of team. Decision making is an essential in ingradient of all teams; it measures the efficiency of the group. Decision making in case of an interprofessional team also play key role deciding its service delivery process. The usual situation that happens in such teams is the unavailability of proper team leader and also reaching at a common consensus. The decision taken in team has the idea input all the members that needs to driven well in one direction for increasing effectiveness of the work the team does. Most of the important decisions concerning the activities of the team are taken mostly by the Doctors, or the medical staff in an inter professional team in hospitals. Solving important problems and resolving conflicts are the aims of masking decisions (Neil, 1978). There are a few hindrances for nurses to be part of interprofessional teams. The health care sector has shortages or less number of nurses, and those nurses who are available have increased amount of work. As a result of which there is a limitation in case of inter professional support and collaboration (Mckay Crippen, 2008). Another barrier that can be highlighted is the disinterest on the part of other departments to participate and actively involve in the team and work together. The culture and hierarchy of the organization also plays a role in the formation of teams in the organization. According to (1995) Collaboration involves a partnership characterized by mutual goals and commitments in which participants willingly become involved in planning and decision making. (1995) also proposed that collaboration is a process by which members of various disciplines (or agencies) share their expertise. Accomplishing this requires these individuals understand and appreciate what it is that they contribute to the whole. Many authors have suggested ways to make the intercollaboration more effective. According to Fullan (1993), effective collaborations operate in the world of ideas, examining existing practices critically, seeking better alternatives and working hard together at bringing about improvements and assessing their worth.ÂÂ   The National Network for Collaboration (NNC) put forward a frame work for effective collaboration and advocated that it should possess a common vision, problem, a desired outcome etc. NNC also pointed out that the members of the collaboration must share this vision and contribute equally. The NNC sees collaboration as an inclusionary process which should be constantly engaged and must strengthen the commitment and must identify that relationship building and maintaining is the key factor for the success of collaborations and they must try to sustain a win-win relationship. According to Garner (1995) and Hoeman (1996), it should be by means of collaborative communi cation rather than shared communication that the interprofessional team approach evolves. Efforts were made from the part of many authors for increasing the literature on interprofessional education for health professional students. But Cooper, Carlisle, Gibbs, and Watkins (2001) pointed out this literature to be diverse including a relatively small amount of research data and much larger amounts of evaluation literature. There were almost thirty works done on interprofessional education and all of them aimed to increase the level of co-operation and understanding between the members in interprofessional teams as well as to encourage a high quality care for the patients. There are a number of social science theories that explain the concept of interprofessional team work. Merton (1968) put forward theory in three modules. They are the micro, mid range and macro theories. The social sciences approaches that come under these three groups include: Micro: psychodynamic perspective by Bion, Menzies, Marris, social psychological perspective by Tejfel and Turner, Brown Interactionism by Goffman and strauss All the above approaches that come under the micro group are of the rational type that consolidates the team functions, identities and interactions. Midrange : Activity theory by Engestrom Institutional influence by DiMaggio and Powell Professionalization by Freidson These three approaches or theories are processual, organizational and contextual. Their task is to understand team activities, relation and performance, the relations between professions respectively. Macro: Discourse theory and surveillance theory by Foucault They are of the contextual type that deals with the impact of society and social interaction of with respect to the interprofessional team work. There are a set of models supporter by theories that help provide the inter professional education well in the health care sector that enables the health care professionals perform well and deliver quality service. These models are whilst behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism (Schunk D 2003). I will working for the betterment of the service provided to a patient using the things I learned. Working in an interprofessional team is has made me get involved with the Doctors and other professional in the field and has helped to build a strategy that elevates the level of service rendering process. As a nurse am able to act in the right way a right direction in case of any emergency and otherwise. From now I will be able to put into practise the concept I learned. The model that I would use is the Kolbs model of reflection. It is a process whereby, individuals, teams and organizations attend to and understanding their experiences and consequently modify their behaviour. The model mainly has 4 important aspects: Experiencing means really doing the task and experiencing the whole process. Reflecting- in this step the work is reviewed in terms of experience and the real process. Conceptualisation- here the various important occurrences and tasks are analysed and their connections among the events are noted. Planning- the events that have been understood will be analysed well in order to envisage the occurrences in future. This will help to prevent any improper events happening and build a proper strategy to do the next task. The Kolbs reflection model if one of the best models for teams. In case of a team there are aspects like: Doing- same as experience, where the team does the task or the action. Reflection- after the action, the team members openly discuss the whole process and share their views and experience. Interpretation- the members of the team now work with common identity and culture and as a team by leaning behind individual interests. Planning- in the final step team works according to the joint decisions and plan out ways to committing the action. Finally I would say that in any sector especially the health care there is an elementary requirement of having an inter professional team. The team in all ways will help in providing superior service since the decisions are taken as a team and under common grounds.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How Progress Makes Us Sick Essay -- Science Scientific Papers

How Progress Makes Us Sick By now, Im sure nearly everyone has heard of SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). If youve watched all news channels like CNN or Fox News over the past month with their alternating images of people hurrying through airports wearing surgical masks and bombs exploding over Baghdad, youd think there were only two news stories worth reporting: the growing body counts created by SARS and the Iraq war. However the attention that has been focused on SARS has startled people rather than educated them about the disease. Lack of information leads to fear. According to J. Michael Bishop in Enemies of Promise: We live in an age of scientific triumph. Science has solved many of natures puzzles and greatly enlarged human knowledge. And the fruits of scientific inquiry have vastly improved human welfare. Yet despite these proud achievements, science today is increasingly mistrusted and under attack. The parade of frightening new maladies continues, each on confirming that our species, for all its cleverness, still lives at the mercy of the microbe. In May fifths issue of Newsweek, Geoffrey Cowley states: Many of the advances that have made our lives more comfortable have also made them more dangerous. Some thirty new diseases have cropped up since the mid-1970scausing tens of millions of deaths. What exactly is SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome? It is a respiratory illness that has recently been reported in Asia, North America, and Europe. SARS begins with a fever greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Some others symptoms may include headache, an overall feeling of discomfort, body aches, and sore throat. After two to seven days SARS patients may develop a dry cough and have trouble breathing. S... ...the natural world. In consequence, we are admired but also feared, mistrusted, even despised. We offer hope for the future but also more conflict and ambiguous choice. The price of science seems large, but to reject science is to deny the future. Will there ever be an answer for SARS? Will there ever be a cure? Science is a process and I think that is what most people dont see. In order to make the right decisions, there is a process that scientists have to follow. Sometimes that process takes time. We cant unplug from what we believe, but we can meet somewhere in the middle and work together as a team. Works Cited Bishop, Michael. Enemies of Promise. The Presence of Others. Marilyn Moller. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000, 237-243. Shih, June. A City Masked in Fear and Distrust. U.S. News. May 5, 2003. Cowley, Geoffrey. SARS. Newsweek May 5, 2003.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Astrocyte-Neuron Lactate Shuttle and Hemodynamic Brain Scans Essay

Astrocyte-Neuron Lactate Shuttle and Hemodynamic Brain Scans Hemodynamic brain scans such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) have been of immense utility in the neuroscience fields in illuminating the components and modulation of brain function. However, these hemodynamic brain scans have afforded utility without brain scientists truly understanding the mechanism by which they produce signals. Previously, it had been accepted without verification that the images produced by such techniques were direct results of neuronal activity. However, new techniques in studying brain function have revealed that when astrocyte activity is inhibited, hemodependent brain scans do not function (Halber 2008). Additionally, other studies have demonstrated that astrocytes display finely tuned responses to stimuli (Halber 2008) which are amenable to communication with each other in networks via calcium-wave propagation. In light of these new findings in regards to astrocyte function and communication, their influence on hemodynamic brain scans would offer much lucidity to our current understanding of neuropathology and neuromodulation. General Findings of Astrocytic Influence on Brain Scans Both PET and fMRI scans are hemodependent brain scans. However, the mechanism by which each works do differ from each other by which fundamental principle of blood flow they measure. In fMRI, a BOLD-signal (blood-oxygen-level-dependent) measurement is utilized which is then translated into working images. PET scans require a radioactive labeled tracer which accumulates in areas of activation. These active areas are then expressed in imaging techniques that interpret the level of activation. However,... ...arch 2009. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2008.11.005 Mo. (2008, June 20). Starring role in the brain for astrocytes [Web log post]. Retrieved from Schummers, J., Yu, H., & Sur, M. (2008). Tuned responses of astrocytes and their influence on hemodynamic signals in the visual cortex. Science, 320, 1638-1643. doi: 10.1126/science.1156120 Segelken, R. (2004). CU laser microscopy technique settles brain chemistry debate, could aid studies of Alzheimer’s, stroke damage. Cornell Chronicle. Retrieved from Vaishnavi S.N., Vlassenko A.G., Rundle M.M., Snyder A.Z., Mintun M.A., Raichle, M.E., (2010). Regional aerobic glycolysis in the human brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U SA. 107, 17757–17762. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1010459107

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Critical Review for a Research Article Based

INTRODUCTION English language is the main international English. It is also said that English is the language of progress and development. In this age of internet and globalization, the use of English has increase tremendously. Most of the non-speaking English countries take great importance in English education. China and Malaysia being one of them. Ministry of Education (MOE) in Malaysia has been trying for years to improve the standard of English language especially in communication and writing by implementing efforts such as research on methods that could be applicable in Malaysian schools.English language has been accorded for second language in Malaysia as stated on Article 152 and been given due attention for years. Teaching English can be declared as challenge in Malaysia because the subject has always been argued, doubted, changed for many times that the issues has never been completely resolved. Meanwhile, MOE keep trying to improvise the teaching and learning process in sc hools from early education to the highest level by employing suitable means and aids such as bringing in modern teaching methods from Western countries.Communicative teaching methods and grammar-translation has been discussed, implemented on English language teaching in China based on the article by Jin, Singh, and Li (2005). This paper will provide the critical review of it, and the relevance of the methods in Malaysian Schools. 2. 0 COMPARISON BETWEEN COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING AND GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION Based on the article by Jin, Singh and Li (2005) the CLT and Grammar-Translation method might not be applicable to all teaching situation.While the final result of the study was in favour of CLT methods, the gaps between the results on test paper for two groups are low. Futhermore, the research done by Rao (2002) concluded that students claim that using Grammar-translation method will be more suitable for class session in China. Since teaching is deeply rooted in the local philo sophy, culture, and basic concepts of education, the students’ learning styles and habits in language acquisition must be considered. Although the grammar-translation method is out of favor, students accustomed to this method may still derive benefit from it. Feature Article  Country School  Allen CurnowFor example, Chinese students generally show great interest in language structures and linguistic details when they are learning a language. â€Å"We would like to know what happens, because if we understand the system, we can use English more effectively† (Harvey 1985). Therefore, in teaching English to Chinese students, appropriate grammar analysis is essential, especially for beginners. Limited utilization of translation from or to the target language is an indispensable part of teaching. Vocabulary work and pattern drills are also ways of familiarizing the student with sentence structures.This information helps learners acquire linguistic competence. The main features of GT are: 1. It is teacher centred and does not cater for the learner’s individual needs 2. The emphasis is on grammar learning through verb drills, the translation of written texts and the memorization of wordlists 3. The focus is on the product rather than the process of learning; 4. Language is viewed as a body of knowledge rather than an instrument for communicating and functioning effectively in the real world 5.Linguistic practice is confined to the memorization of words and rules 6. Instruction aims at the mastery of the written medium rather than oral communication 7. Accuracy rules over fluency 8. Correction is all-out and punitive 9. The L2-model adopted is elitist and so is the educational philosophy 10. Feedback on learner performance is not likely to be helpful as it is solely accuracy-based But instead of teaching grammar traditionally and drilling grammar patterns, teachers need to relate teaching grammar and pattern drills to meaning and use.In other words, language structure practice should be used in contexts that involve some basic principles of appropriateness. This is the exact area that the traditional ESL teaching has long overlooked—teaching English for a communicative purpose. Thus, English teaching should be partly communicatively oriented, so students can acquaint themselves with appropriate language usage. the main pedagogical principles advocated by CLT are: 1. It is pupil-centred rather than teacher-centred 2 The emphasis is on communication and effective interactional skills 3.The focus is on the process rather than the product of learning; 4. Language is viewed as a skill to learn rather than a body of language  to pass on to the pupil 5. Linguistic practice occurs through communicative activities 6. Instruction aims at the mastery of all of the four core language skills 7. Fluency rules over accuracy 8. Correction is selective and non-judgmental 9. The L2-model adopted is flexible and can deviate from the L2-standard Form 3. 0 RELEVANCE TO MALAYSIAN SCHOOLS. In Malaysia, the teaching of English language starts early, as early as in kindergarten between the ages of 4 to 5.Students were exposed to many kinds of teaching methods from the traditional approach such as gra mmar-translation and towards more modern one like CLT. It is common for teachers to support the one that is more effective and theoretically sound basis for teaching. After independence, the changes was made for education in Malaysia where instead of using English language in school, the medium of teaching and learning process changes to Malay. Thus, affecting the teaching methods in Malaysia where teachers will provide materials and lecturers to students and teacher-centred classroom were practiced.Malaysia introduced the communicative syllabus in 1970. Back then, the study of grammar was considered not ‘fashionable’ and out of date. Students were not taught how to build correct sentences in English. Too much emphasis was placed on spoken English. Role-play and how to respond to given situations took centre stage. CLT method is one of the famous methods used by teachers and claimed to be more effective rather than GT. Krashen and other SLA theorist stress that language learning comes about through learning language communication rather than through practicing.Johnson (1984) and Littlewood (1984) consider that the acquisition of communication competence in a language is an example of skill development. On the other hand, the draw backs from this method are the need of an authentic materials and interaction between learners with them using only the target language as means of communication. Comparing to schools in urban area, most of the schools in rural area lacks the means of these authentic materials and ready interaction from outside. Malaysian people used Malay, Chinese, and Indian to communicate especially in rural area where English has not been used at all.This in turn will affect the communication grasp of students in rural schools where the proficiency in English are low. Thus, in turn, students will refuse to join in the interaction by being silent and it will hinder the teaching and learning process as they cannot catch up to the class lesson. The students in rural school still depend on teacher translation as their lack of exposition to English language will lower their proficiency. They could not speak the language fluently and need to learn the language structures and understand it from basic and practice by their own.It is different for students enrol in urban area where they were pre-disposed to the languages already. Most of them start to learn English from child where their cultural environment and socio-economy were contrasting from students from rural schools. They might have help with their parents and family and the more modern school system in the city. Technologies were blooming in this area where the students’ proficiency is slightly higher. Because they might be aware of the language and have practice them, communicative approach can be adapted to their teaching and learning process.But even so, teachers claimed that practising CLT method in class will take too much time and works as it requi re complete involvement from all students because of its learner-centred style. Because of this, the lack of practice will somehow affect the learning of the grammar structure and glaring mistakes from students for writing will form as CLT method is divulging more into developing students’ communicative approach. Yes, their speaking skill will be better as will their listening skill but that will not promise them 100% correctness in spelling and grammatical uses.The solutions to this are that both students should try to adapt both methods in learning a second language in Malaysia. The students need to be taught on how to learn not only of the language but to practice the language as frequently as possible. The CLT method can help the students develop an insight into the language and prepare them into an environment where the language are the only one use to communicate. On the other hand, grammar-translation will help the students practice the language on their own where ther e is no exposition of the language around them.Teachers can provide materials for these students to facilitate or encourage them to learn it independently without being too dependent on teacher. CONCLUSION Various efforts, on both national and individual levels, have been poured into the strategies to improve students’ ability or command of English language. There are of course many methods in second language teaching which include the Grammar Translation Approach. This approach was historically used in teaching Greek and Latin and later modern languages.Experienced teachers said that if they did not engage the help of the mother tongue, the lesson would involve a lot more time and resulting in students that were indifferent and psychologically were not there. ESL teaching in Malaysia, with its traditional setting, is markedly different from that in the United States and Great Britain in that it is conducted in different social and cultural contexts. Yet this does not mean th at the communicative approach is not applicable in such a context. By practicing CLT alone, it might be hard for teachers to attract students to participate and thus wasting time in trying to facilitate them.So, as to make this approach work well in here, we must reconcile it with the traditional grammar-translation method that is still popularly used in Malaysia. REFERENCES 1- Lingjie Jin, Michael Singh, Liqun Li; Communicative Language Teaching In China: Misconceptions, Applications And Perceptions. (2005) Australian Association For Research In Education. 2- Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin, Norsimah Mat Awal, Kesumawati Abu Bakar; The Mastery Of English Language Among Lower Secondary School Students In Malaysia: A Linguistic Analysis, European Journal Of Social Sciences – volume 7, number 2, 2008. – Mohd. Faisal Hanapiah (1993); English Language And The Language Of Development: A Malaysian Perspective. Department Of Modern Language, Jurnal Kemanusian. Page 106-120. 4- Rao Zh enhui; Modern Vs. Traditional, Bureau Of Educational And Cultural Affairs, Office Of English Language Programs. Taken on Oct 2012 from http://eca. state. gov. 5- Hyacinth Gaudart; English Language Teaching In Malaysia: A Historical Account, The English Teacher  Vol Xvi December 1987. 6- Kesumawati Abu Bakar, Nor Zakiah Abdul Hamid, Dr. Norsimah Mat Awal, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin; First Language Influence On Second Language Performance: A Study Of Common English Grammatical Errors Among Rural Secondary School Students. Taken on oct 2012 from http://repo. uum. edu. my. 7- Prof Puan Sri Dr Rohaty; (June 28, 2009) Teaching English by Using Bahasa Malaysia, Taken On Oct 2012 from http://rohaty-education. blogspot. com. 8- Dr Gianfranco Conti,(2011) Grammar Translation And Communicative Language Teaching Compared, taken on oct 2012 from http://languageteachingbyconti. blogspot. com